Thorpe Assistance Program

What is the Thorpe Assistance Program (TAP)?

TAP is the title given to the Student Assistance Program at Jim Thorpe.  The Program is designed to identify barriers that may be affecting a student’s academics, attendance, behavior or health. 

The goal of the Student Assistance Program is to provide early intervention and support services to children identified as having difficulties  achieving success in school.

Who coordinates the SAP Program?

The Student Assistance Team is comprised of a core team of professionally trained student assistance members which include:

  • Counselors

  • Teachers

  • Nurses

  • Administrators

  • Community Agency Liaisons

The team does not diagnose, treat or refer for treatment; however, they may refer assessments for a specific treatment.

How is a student referred to the SAP team?

Referrals to the Student Assistance Team, which are confidential, may be made by the school staff, a parent or guardian, peers, a community member or by the student himself.  A referral is made by contacting the guidance department, administrator, or any member of the team.

What process is followed after a referral is made?

After evaluating the referral, a team member collects pertinent data, determines whether further action is warranted, contacts the parent or guardian, and interviews the student. Based on the information gathered from this process, the team may suggest that the student be assessed, at no cost, by a Drug and Alcohol counselor or by a Mental Health counselor.  The team continues to monitor the student, provide support for the student and evaluate the recommendations that are made.

What are student behaviors that are appropriate for SAP?

  • Academic decline

  • Disciplinary problem

  • Sleeping in class

  • Frequent visits to the nurse’s office

  • Decreased attention span

  • Observable expressions of anger or sadness

  • Excessive talking in class, laughing inappropriately

  • Poor anger management skills

  • Disrespectful to faculty or staff members

  • Overheard conversations about alcohol or other drugs

  • Smell of alcohol or marijuana

  • Observing a significant weight loss/gain

  • Observing frequent trips to the rest room

  • Observing a distinct behavior change

  • Observing a change of friends

  • Overheard a conversation (firsthand) about feeling sad or depressed

  • Observing drug-related, satanic-related or death related language or drawings

  • Loss of interest in academic and extracurricular activities

Parental Rights

Parents have the right to be involved in the process and have full access to all school records pertaining to their child, under applicable state and federal laws and regulations.
Parental involvement, in all aspects of Student Assistance Program is encouraged.  This involvement is key to a successful resolution and underscores the importance of parent’s responsibility. It is important to note that all core team referrals and information is kept confidential from outside sources.

Agency & Resource Lists

The following is a list of contact numbers for some of the support agencies that our school district recognizes:

Carbon County Children & Youth
(570) 325-3644

Child Abuse Hot line
(800) 932-0313

Crisis Intervention
(610) 377-0773

Mental Health/Mental Retardation
(610) 377-0773

Carbon, Monroe & Pike Drug & Alcohol
(610) 377-5177

RedCo Group
(610) 377-8525

Victims Resource Center
(570) 325-9641

To learn more about the Student Assistance Program at the Jim Thorpe Area School District or for a list of counselors who provide short and long-term counseling , contact the Guidance Office